Prince of Wales, Director class

GCR Prince of Wales.
GCR Prince of Wales.
GCR 11F Improved Director class no. 508 Prince of Wales. This model was built on commission by myself from the very good David Andrews kit, which includes parts to build a non-working representation of the inside motion. A motor and gearbox unit and wheels by Slaters Plasticard have been used in the build. The loco has been superbly painted and lined out in Great Central Railway passenger livery by Warren Haywood of Ossett. Number and nameplates supplied by Severnmill. Work started on the build on 30th September 2017 and finished on 8th March 2018. Build time 90 hours. Current collection is by the American method, where the loco collects from one rail and the tender from the other. The insulated wheels have been shorted by thin wire carefully soldered behind a spoke on one or other side of the loco and tender. An insulated drawbar and fallplate are needed with this system and in my experience, with care, it works very well. Handed over to a delighted client on the 24th March 2018.

The Improved Director class (LNER class D11) was designed by John G. Robinson for express passenger work on the Great Central main line between London Marylebone and Sheffield and Manchester. An improved version of the 11E Director class (LNER class D10). No. 508 was built in March 1920 as the third member of the class. It had an operational life of over 40 years, being withdrawn in 1960. One member of the class, no. 506 Butler Henderson, is fortunately preserved, but unfortunately in static condition, at Barrow Hill.