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BR(SR) Maunsell Schools class 4-4-0 no. 30925 Cheltenham, This model has just been built by myself on commission from the excellent David Andrews kit. The build was started on the 10th April 2018 and finished on the 13th August. Just over four months and around 145 build hours. No major problems were encountered with building this kit, although being a very comprehensive kit of a complicated prototype, tackling one of these as a build project should not be for the beginner or the fainthearted. It presently has a Portescap motor and gears, but as it is proving a little slow, the client has ordered an ABC unit as a replacement and I will be upgrading the model when that is to hand. Final testing will be taking place at the Poachers test track on Sunday 19th August and all being well it will be handed to Warren Haywood for painting at Telford into BR lined green livery.
Metropolitan Railway H class 4-4-4T no. 103. This very unusual prototype, designed by Charles Jones for working the longer distance passenger trains from Harrow-on-the-Hill to Aylesbury and Verney Junction. The class of eight engines were built by Kerr, Stuart & Co. in 1920. This rare model is of excellent quality, probably built from the Quainton Road Models kit, with a Portescap RG7 motor and gears. Superbly painted in the later style Metropolitan Railway livery by Simon Greenwood and the model carries his signature as provenance on the underside of the running plate. These locos carried extremely large Kerr Stuart builders plates on each side of the smokebox saddle and the model carries replica plates of exceptional quality.
Midland Railway “6” class 0-4-4T no. 143 as loaned to the M&GN. A scratch built model by Derek Lawrence. A plate on the underside reads “Derek Lawrence of Lawrence Scale Quality models”. Powered by a quiet Portescap motor and gears, this very old model is still in remarkably good working condition. No provenance is known as to the painter of this very unusual loco, but Dave Studley is known to have painted many of Derek Lawrence’s builds. The livery is basically Midland Railway crimson lake, but the tank sides are unusually decorated with M&GN. The Midland and Great Northern Railway took on loan three of this class of loco from the Midland Railway and this model is depicted as one of those.
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