LMS Royal Scot class 4-6-0 no. 6102 Black Watch

Black Watch
Black Watch
A very famous model with cast iron provenance, the LMS Royal Scot class no. 6102 Black Watch. This very fine model was built by the late Geoff Holt in 1993. Featured in the late lamented Modellers Back Track magazines of April-May and June-July 1993, edited by David Jenkinson. (Volume 3 numbers 1 & 2). In the article, called “The Red Scots”, Geoff builds three at the same time, 6148 The Manchester Regiment, for himself, 6170 British Legion, for David Jenkinson and my loco, 6102 Black Watch. Quality large images in colour by Tony Wright, of all three models, both in their nickel silver unpainted and painted states are featured. The beautiful LMS Crimson Lake and straw lining was expertly applied by Larry Goddard and the model has been signed “G.Holt L.Goddard ’93 6102” under the cab. Both the loco and tender carry nameplates on the underside “Built by Geoff Holt”. The wheels are of Alan Harris manufacture and have been expertly machined by Steve Ross with solid stepped axles to give a back to back of 29mm, with a tight fit to the wheels on the insulated side and a push fit on the non-insulated side. This information, obtained from the magazine article which was written by Geoff himself, became very useful to me only the day after taking delivery of the model. The motor and gears that the model was using, which I have no reason to doubt were the original fitment, were not to my standard. As I had a spare ABC gear unit with a Maxon motor, it was not a difficult decision to make the replacement. The new unit fitted like a glove and as the axles are not of the telescopic type, the fitting of the new unit was not difficult either. Black Watch now runs as good as it looks.