BR Peak class no. D7 Ingleborough

D7 Ingleborough
BR Peak class Derby built 1CO-CO1 diesel electric loco no. D7 Ingleborough. (Became no. 44007 under the British Rail TOPS numbering scheme). This model has been built and painted by persons unknown from the Just Like the Real Thing kit. It has an ABC gears power bogie. Since purchase, as a running model, Ingleborough has needed very little work. It ran very well as soon as I opened the box and placed it on the track. Visually though, it needed work to get it to my liking, as I remember them in the late sixties, working coal trains out of Toton depot, on the old Midland route through Leicestershire. The paint wasn’t bad, but the detailing left something to be desired. I have replaced the nameplates and builders plates (it originally had representations of English Electric builders plates, believe it or not), added the yellow warning panels and overhead warning labels and replaced the “D7” numbers with transfers that are the correct size. Then to blend these changes together it has been expertly weathered by Richard Pogson, as well as being converted to switchable DCC/DC operation, with a Zimo MX699KS sound decoder. Using DCC address 7, she now sounds, as well as looks fabulous.