Great Central Railway class 8 4-6-0 (Fish engine) no.1067 Mick Bayliss Locos now sold, Wally West scratchbuilt locos 4th January 202031st December 2021 GCR Robinson class 8 4-6-0 no. 1067. Built from scratch by Wally West circa mid-seventies, using a JH motor and a double reduction gear unit, with wheels turned from good quality castings. probably by Miller, Swan & Co. The split axles and insulated spacers between the frames allow power to be collected from the tender wheels, via sprung plungers mounted on the front face of the tender, connecting with contact faces on the back of the loco. All brake blocks are made from non conductive material to eliminate shorting across the brake rigging. All loco driving and tender axles have sprung hornblocks. Superbly painted by Bernard Miller with hand painted lettering and crests in lined GCR mixed traffic livery. An identical twin of this model, also numbered 1067, was built by Wally at the same time. That model has since been repainted in the same livery by Alan Brackenborough.