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GNR Stirling single wheeler no. 1. From the Swanage Models kit with Slaters wheels and a Portescap motor and gearbox. This model was originally built by a person unknown and I won it in a GNRA railwayana auction. It was bought because I have confidence in buying second hand models that have been built from quality kits, and as I had already built one of these before, my confidence remained that I could strip and rebuild it into a superb model. Well I have done that, but at a cost in time that convinces me that never again will I tackle one of these in that way. The model now has a pair of plunger pickups on the driving wheels and wiper pickups on the tender. Although axle side to side clearances are very tight on the bogie and trailing wheels, it runs well with 6 foot radius curves being achievable. Thanks to Warren Haywood for a stunning paint job. This model is for sale. See the models for sale page of this website.
LNER Gresley A1 class Pacific no. 1470N Great Northern. Built (to 95% completion) from scratch by Wally West circa 1980’s using driving wheel castings by Alan Harris and a massive Pittman gear and motor unit. For a reason unknown Great Northern (and his twin brother Robert the Devil, who appears on a separate posting on this site) were left unfinished until in early 2020, when I was commissioned by Wally’s family to complete the models. This entailed, in the main, the soldered assembly of cab parts and the fitting of all handrails on the boiler, cab and tender. It also entailed the preparation of the model for final painting by Warren Haywood. I am very proud to have completed the model to a standard worthy of the builder and honoured to have this fabulous model as part of my collection.
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