Models of these delightful little Isle of Wight locos rarely appear and even more rarely come up for sale. I was fortunate to be taken to the Isle of Wight on holiday when in my early teens and I still have a photo of Brading, taken on the small turntable at the end of the line at Ventnor. Thus the motivation for me to buy and build this kit. Check out Jim McGowan’s Connoiseur website http://www.jimmcgeown.com/Photo%20Gallery%20Customers%20Models/Southern%20Class%2002%20Photo%20Gallery.html for more photos of models of these locos. (All in green livery? None in black, I wonder why??)
I bought this kit in completely untouched condition from a good friend, now deceased, who had decided to sell his collection because of health problems. He had bought it probably 30 years previously and it had lain in the bottom of his wardrobe ever since. Now here it is built, painted and running like a dream and none the worse for spending all of those years in the dark.