Furness Railway Sharp Stewart 4-4-0 no. 121 (a “Seagull”)

Furness Railway Sharp Stewart 4-4-0 no. 121. This model has been built from the Taff Vale Models kit by that company as a display model of a Cambrian Railway loco, with Slaters wheels, a Mashima motor, fold up gearbox and wiper pick-ups on the tender wheels. It is very well built and finished, it runs very smoothly and quietly, as you would expect from the chap who had to sell kits on the strength of his display model. For whatever reason, it was placed for sale on Ebay and I was so taken with it that I bought it and have added it to my collection. Since buying the unpainted model it has been modified, most notably by the addition of non-working inside valve gear and motion. Now painted into the beautiful Furness Railway Indian red lined black & vermillion livery by Warren Haywood. Sharp Stewart built ten of these locos between 1878 and 1891 for the Cambrian Railway, but four were delivered late and for that reason were not accepted. The Furness Railway snapped them up and they became FR numbers 120 to 123 (all scrapped by the LMS by 1927).

North Eastern Railway P2 class 0-6-0 no. 1098

North Eastern Railway P2 class 0-6-0 no. 1098. Built by myself on commission from the very comprehensive Piercy Models kit, which includes static inside valve gear and a wealth of inside cab detail. With Slaters wheels, plunger pick-ups and a motor and gearbox combination by Premier Components. This model is now ready for testing at the Poachers test track in Lincoln, then if all’s well it will be handed to my client. Work was started on the build of this model on February 28th 2022 and finished to the stage shown on the 11th August. Build time 82 hours.