GWR Bulldog class 4-4-0 no. 3352 Pendragon Mick Bayliss Locos now sold 18th January 202414th March 2024 GWR Bulldog class 4-4-0 no. 3352 Pendragon. This lovely model was built from the excellent Martin Finney kit by Norman Vickers of Geneva. The paintwork, notice the red inside frames, is by Norman also. Fully working inside motion, Alan Harris (AGH) wheels and an RG7 Portescap motor and gear unit compliment the superb specification. Fire irons, crew by Border Miniatures (painted by Mrs Vickers), even a superb rolled up storm sheet, add to the details. Four further photos of this model as it was built are also featured on the Gauge O Guild website, members gallery. On the above image the model does show some flux splatter below the whistles, from where I had to solder back in place one of the whistles. This splatter has now been rinsed away, leaving no trace.