LNWR Whale Precursor class 4-4-0 no. 1430 Victor

Precursor Victor



Precursor no.1430 Victor
LNWR Precursor class no. 1430 Victor. Built from the Javelin Models kit by Michael Edge of Carlton in 2003 and painted by Ian Rathbone. The wheels used in the build are finely cast, possibly by Alan Harris. The drivers having telescopic axles with a tapered pin to fix the quartering. Additionally, the model carries small nameplates of both the builder and the painter on the underside to give that provenance. George Whale followed F.W.Webb as Locomotive Superintendent of the London and North Western Railway in 1903. His first loco design was the Precursor class, basically an enlarged version of Webb’s Precedent class. Built at Crewe in 1905 as a two cylinder saturated steam 4-4-0 with slide valves, Victor has here been modelled in that condition. Many of the class were later rebuilt by Charles Bowen Cooke who replaced Whale in 1909. He incorporated superheated boilers and piston valves to bring them into line with his more powerful George the Fifth class. A longer smokebox and smaller bogie wheels identify these locos from the unrebuilt members of the class. I have built a model of one of the rebuilds, Velocipede. For a description and images of this loco follow this link. I was lucky enough, to firstly find and again to be able to buy, this very fine model at auction. But it was in less than good condition as it had rusting to all of the wheels. On the positive side however and very importantly, the paintwork was still in very good condition. After cleaning and lubrication, placing the model on the track and he was away. Non the worse for his spell in a location of damp atmosphere and change of ownership. It is now perfect motive power to my rake of Peter Cowling built London & North Western Railway and West Coast Joint Stock coaches.

For a further image of this loco follow this link


SL&NCR Beyer Peacock 0-6-4T “Lissadell”

“Lissadell” of the Sligo, Leitrim & Northern Counties Railway, ‘Leitrim’ Class 0-6-4T, built in 1899 by Beyer Peacock & Co., works No.4073. Very well built indeed by a person unknown, from the North Star kit designed by Adrian Rowland, with an ABC motor/gears unit, wiper pick-ups, sprung hornblocks and Slaters wheels. As can be seen, it is presently in unpainted condition and has never been finished. It was bought with the intention to get my good friend John Cockcroft to paint it for me in it’s original SL&NCR livery, but the only photos that I can find of it are relatively recent ones in what looks like unlined black. I do have a builders photo of the class leader “Leitrim” in lined out works grey, but other than that I have no idea of what livery these locos carried in their early years. If anyone can help me get this lovely little tank loco completed in an early livery, I would be very much appreciative.

Thanks to the Railway Modellers Ireland Facebook group and Jonathan Beaumont in particular I have received the following information:

JB – Originally olive green – quite dark, and with lining. No actual details of the lining survive but perusal of early photos suggest black and white. The letters “S L N C R” were in shaded gold or yellow on the tank sides. It is not known what colour the nameplates were, though during the “black” era (probably about 1910/15 onwards) these were variously black with red writing, or red with polished writing.
MB – There is a photo of classmate “Lurganboy” on the smugmug website, with “SL&NCR” lettering on the tank sides, but the rest of the loco looks to be unlined. Would this lettering have been carried in the olive green days with the lining?
JB – Yes.
JB – After they started painting them unlined black I believe, but cannot be certain, that the lettering continued for a while (on the unlined black background). Connecting rods are often seen (copied) on models as red. Evidently they were not – they were black or more likely, unpainted.

LNWR George the Fifth class no. 1489 Wolfhound


LNWR George the Fifth class No. 1489 Wolfhound: Built and expertly painted by Ian Rathbone from a Javelin Models kit. Additionally, the model carries a small nameplate of the builder on the underside of the running plate to give that provenance. Used in the build are wheels that have been finely cast, possibly by Alan Harris. The drivers having telescopic axles with a tapered pin to fix the quartering.

I was lucky enough, to firstly find and again to be able to buy Wolfhound at auction. But it was in less than good condition as it had rusting to all of the wheels. On the positive side however and very importantly, the paintwork was still in very good condition. After cleaning and lubrication, placing the model on the track and she was away. Non the worse for her spell in a location of damp atmosphere and change of ownership.

It goes without saying what a risky business it is when buying models in auction. You do not get a chance to test the working of models before bidding. You are lucky if you get a box to carry it home in. Therefore confidence in your own ability to be able to repair any faults is obviously a necessity.

In the same auction there were many more fine models, including my Experiment, Precursor and Star King Richard. These models, came from the collection of Peter Trey, in Ireland. Obviously a true connoisseur of model trains and an avid enthusiast of the GWR and L&NWR.

A full size George the Fifth steam loco, Prince George, is presently being built. Follow this link for the website.

Charles Bowen Cooke became Locomotive Superintendent of the London and North Western Railway in 1909. He introduced this class by taking the design of Whale’s Precursor class and incorporating a superheated boiler and piston valves. Straight nameplates, continuous splasher, a longer smokebox and smaller bogie wheels identify these locos from the Precursor class. Follow this link for a comparison with one of these locos, Victor.

LNWR Superheated Precursor class 4-4-0 No. 2584 Velocipede



LNWR Whale Superheated Precursor class 4-4-0 No. 2584 Velocipede: This model has been built by myself on commission in 2017 and the build time took me just under 100 hours. The Javelin Models kit for a George the Fifth class was used, with Precursor conversion parts from David Andrews. In addition, the build also incorporated many superior parts from the Laurie Griffin range. In conclusion, the model has been expertly painted and lined, using a bow-pen by John Cockcroft. George Whale followed F.W.Webb as Locomotive Superintendent of the London and North Western Railway in 1903. His first loco design was the Precursor class, basically an enlarged version of Webb’s Precedent class. Built at Crewe in 1906 as a two cylinder saturated steam 4-4-0 with slide valves. Velocipede and many others of the class, were later rebuilt by Charles Bowen Cooke who had replaced Whale in 1909. He incorporated superheated boilers and piston valves to bring them into line with his more powerful George the Fifth class. Velocipede has here been modelled in that condition. The longer smokebox and smaller bogie wheels identify these locos from the unrebuilt members of the class. Follow this link for a comparison with one of these locos, Victor.