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BR (ex WD) Riddles Austerity 2-8-0 No. 90376. One of the very early locos that I built and painted from the Majestic Models kit.
BR(ER) Gresley V2 class No. 60964 The Durham Light Infantry. Built and painted by myself circa 1996, from the DJH “Limited Edition” kit (a massive investment at the time for me). Slaters wheels and an RG7 Portescap motor and gears unit. The lining was achieved quite successfully using transfers. I was very pleased with the finished model for a couple of years until I needed cash for another project and I placed it for sale at a guild show. Stuart Tebbett bought it, which was the start of a good friendship which lasted until he sadly passed away. I have Stuart to thank for the quality of collection that I have today. He and Ebay, (I am “thedurhamlightinfantry”) taught me how to successfully buy and sell and strive with every sale or purchase for continual improvement.
LMS (ex Midland Railway) 4P class no. 1048. Built and painted by myself from the Slaters kit. One of my earliest builds.
LNWR 2-4-2T no. 2498. Built and painted by myself from the Eric Underhill kit, using transfers for the lining. One of my very early loco builds. Photo courtesy of Steamline Ltd. I am not sure what has happened to the brakes, but they were certainly not like that when I sold it!
NER Worsdell O class (LNER G5 class) 0-4-4T no. 2081. Built and painted by myself from the Connoisseur kit. One of the first locos I built. Photo courtesy of Steamline Ltd.
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