LMS (ex Highland Railway) Jones Tank no.15010


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LMS (ex Highland Railway) Jones Tank no.15010. Built from the Shedmaster models kit. The model bought from a friend as a good working build but with a basic plain red paint job. Refurbished and additional detail added by myself, before renumbering and painted lining being added, thanks to John Cockcroft.

The model runs very well. It is one of my personal favorites and the one that I go to if I need to test for any track problems. It has an ABC motor/gear unit and wiper current collection from the four driving wheels and the rear pair of bogie wheels. It has been very well built by a person who it is clear was a very accomplished model maker. The rear axle is allowed to move vertically in hornblocks and guides, the front driven axle is fixed. The loco negotiates 6 foot radius curves without derailment or shorting problems.