Since retirement from Bombardier in Derby in November 2015, my hobby of building and collecting models of 7mm finescale “0” gauge locos has taken over a good part of my life. The other part is devoted to my wife, Sandra, my daughter Nicole, my grandsons Finley and Albie, our home and I am also chief dog walker for, Bernadoodle, Gracie and Sprocker Zak.
Commission requests for me to build from quality loco kits are welcome via the contact page. I have regular clients (luckily I don’t have to tout for business) who keep me topped up with work and my thanks must go to George (Majestic Models) Dawson, Graham Jaques, who between them I have to thank for my modelling skills, Stuart Tebbett, who I have to thank for giving me the confidence that I needed to buy and sell and repair and restore (all now deceased), Mike Fish and James Hazel for the help and encouragement they have given to me in my 34 years of railway modelling.