LNER Gresley A3 class 4-6-2 no. 2750 Papyrus.

LNER Gresley A3 class 4-6-2 no. 2750 Papyrus. A Loveless model, obtained recently as part of a swap deal. DCC control with sound. Since purchased the sound has been upgraded to a Zimo MS 950 decoder by Richard Pogson, a vast improvement. The model is in the condition that the real loco ran to 108 m.p.h. Indisputably the first British locomotive to run at more than 100 m.p.h. Regular viewers of these pages might realise that the Gresley A3 class is up there as one of my favourite locomotive classes, whether in LNER green, BR blue, BR green, single chimney, double chimney, smoke deflectors, they always look good to me.